Our Privacy Policy outlines how we manage the information you provide when using our Services. By using the Services, you acknowledge your consent to the collection and utilization (as detailed in the Privacy Policy) of this information, processing, and use by Sorosoke and its affiliates.

Crafting a Privacy Policy that satisfies everyone is challenging. While most Sorosoke users prefer concise and easily understandable content, regulatory requirements mandate us to detail our obligations extensively.

We’ve streamlined our Privacy Policy to empower you to make informed decisions when using Sorosoke. Our aim is to ensure you comprehend and have control over the information we gather, how it’s utilized, and when it’s shared.

So, even if you choose to skim through our Privacy Policy, remember this:

Information We Collect

When using Sorosoke, the information we collect falls into several categories, including:

Information we collect during your Sorosoke usage includes:

How We Use Information

We utilize the information collected in various ways to:

Sharing Information

Understanding how we share your information, why, and how you can control it is crucial. We share information in several ways:

How Long We Keep Information

Different types of information are retained for varying durations:

Take Control

You have the ability to:

Your Rights and Ours

We provide privacy tools and controls to users globally, irrespective of their location. Additionally:

Sorosoke’s Audience

Our services are not intended for children under 13 years of age. Additionally, users must be of legal age to consent to personal data processing in their country.

Changes To This Privacy Policy

The most recent version of this Privacy Policy governs our data processing. We may revise it periodically, with material changes accompanied by prior notice for your review.

How To Contact Sorosoke

We welcome your thoughts or questions regarding this Privacy Policy. Reach out to us via office@sgplimited.com.

Content on the Services

Users are responsible for their use of the Services and the content they provide. Any reliance on such content or materials is at your own risk.

Using the Services

Sorosoke aims to facilitate public conversation. Safety is paramount, and we enforce rules to ensure everyone can participate freely and securely.

Enforcement and Appeals

Our enforcement philosophy prioritizes understanding different viewpoints and promoting healthy conversations. We assess various factors when determining enforcement actions.

Third-party advertising in video content

Third-party advertising in video content requires prior consent.

Your Account

You are responsible for safeguarding your account and must use strong passwords. We provide communication controls, and some communications are mandatory.

Ending These Terms

You can terminate your agreement with Sorosoke at any time by deactivating your account and discontinuing service use.


We may revise these Terms periodically, with the most current version always governing our relationship with you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Common queries addressed: